Monday, November 12, 2012

Food and Workout log, 11/12-11/18

Monday, 11/12
Happy Veteran's Day (observed)!
Breakfast - Omelet with Peppers and Onions at work, and about 12 almonds. 2 x 24oz glasses of water.
Lunch - Brisket with BBQ sauce and sauteed veggies
Snack - Several handfuls of popcorn, 8 almonds and 3oz of beef jerky
Dinner - Sausage and scrambled eggs, 2 tsp of almond butter, 1 cup blueberries
PT with Steve - A few handstands, 1 free standing for 6 seconds, lots of bent over rows, pallof presses
Class with Steve - PR Max deadlift 70kg, then crazy workout where we super setted "Pick up a 25kg bumper plate from ground to overhead, then pullup, then 32kg KB swing" Do this for 1 rep each, then 2, 3, 4. That's one round. AMRAP 12 min. (I got 4)
Post workout snack - 2oz sweet potato, 2oz summer sausage, 2 tsp almond butter

Tuesday, 11/13
Crossfit Rest Day (Mostly because my schedule doesn't permit, but also I did 1.5 hours Saturday, 1 hour Sunday, and 2 hours Monday)
Going to see the Rolfer tonight, and see if he can unstuck my arms/shoulders some more.
I've been stuck around 175 lbs for the past 2.5 weeks, so I'm going to try the "fat fast" at least for part of the day. Plan is eat only fat (almond butter, almond) for breakfast and lunch. We'll see about dinner.
Breakfast - 4+ tsp Almond Butter
Snack - 20 almonds throughout the morning
Lunch - didn't make the all day fat fast. Had my usual work salad - greens, onions, peppers, sheep feta, 4oz salmon
Snacks - 2 Nugo organic bars and 1 Protein Builder's bar
Dinner - 1 1/2 lamb sausages with mayo, 8 spears broiled broccoli, several large spoonfuls of root veggies, 2 tsp almond butter

Wednesday, 11/14
Breakfast - 2 tsp almond butter, ~2oz sweet potato, onion and pepper omelet
Snack - Nugo organic bar, 21 almonds throughout the day
Lunch - steak salad at cuoco
Snack - Nugo organic bar
Dinner - ~5oz turkey sausage, 2 tsp almond butter, 2oz sweet potato
Workout - 30 min low intensity rowing (cardio). HR between 138-150
Post-workout - 1.5oz summer sausage, 2oz sweet potato, 2 tsp almond butter

Thursday, 11/15
Breakfast - Omelet with half an onion, ~1oz goat cheese, and a hot dog with mayo. 4 tsp almond butter
Workout at lunch time - Deadlifts (wendler week 3), then box jumps, KB swing, and toe touches.
Post-workout lunch - Salad with double scoop of feta, three pieces (6oz) of salmon, some roasted veggies and onions and peppers.
Dinner - Goat cheese, duck burgers, brussel sprouts, steak, and lots of wine.
Dessert (boo!) - Ice cream with caramel sauce

Friday, 11/16
Breakfast - Omelet with peppers and onions
Lunch - Salad with three salmon toppers (6oz), sheep feta (2 scoops), egg, and veggies.
Dinner - chicken stewed in broth with onions, asparagus, some kind of gluten free cookie

Saturday, 11/17
Pre-workout snack - ~2oz sweet potato
Workout - L2 class with Mike. Barbell Complex
Bonus workout - Some handstand practice
Cardio - 6k row, 32:23, trying to keep HR below 150
Post Workout breakfast - ~3oz of summer sausage, with some mayo, 3 egg omelet with half onion, salsa, and a little goat cheese. ~4oz of sweet potato, raw. ~3-4 tsp of almond butter.
Lunch - 5oz turkey sausage with a little mayo. 1/4 cup of frozen blueberries
Dinner - leftover chicken, almond butter.

Sunday, 11/18
Workout - 9am with Andy. Kb snatches then 3 rounds of 1 min at box jumps, row, v ups and wall balls.
Post-workout - 3oz summer sausage, fried with mayo. 1oz goat cheese. Several tsp of almond butter (maranatha, non-organic). A bit of salsa on the summer sausage
Lunch - 5oz tuna fish mixed with mayo and jalapeƱos. Several scoops of almond butter.
Dinner - 8oz grassfed beef burger, no bun. Caesar salad, no croutons or cheese. 3tsp almond butter
Dessert - one tootsie roll (boo!)

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