Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 7

Breakfast - pre-workout blueberries and sweet potatoes
Post workout - Double portion of Syntha-6 in Whole milk
Lunch - Steak salad
Snack - Walked past a leftover pepperoni pizza at work and ate two pieces
Snack - 4 beef sticks and a handful of almonds
Dinner - Two chicken sausages, spinach/feta salad, and a little leftover horiatiki salad
Dessert - blueberries and whip cream

Breakfast - Atkins bar
Snack - 70% cocoa chocolate bar
Lunch - Steak salad with balsamic vinaigrette
Snack - small box of raisin and a couple gulps of kale juice
Dinner - Hormel Chili, two bowls of blueberries, slim jim, two beef sticks, two glasses of whole milk, and an atkins bar
Dessert - Bowl of blueberries and whip cream

Breakfast - Atkins bar and a slim jim and a big glass of milk
Snack - 70% cocoa chocolate bar, and Jack Links Beef Jerky
Lunch - Burger hold the bun and a few french fries
Dinner - 5 beef sticks, one tuna patty, one bowl of blueberries, a big glass of milk and some salad
Dessert - Bowl of blueberries with whip cream

Breakfast - Atkins bar and a big glass of milk
Lunch - Steak Salad and a smoothie with double protein powder
Dinner - Tuna patty, a glass of milk, broccoli, spinach salad,

Breakfast - Atkins bar, half a sweet potato
Lunch - Big burger with habanero mayo, jalapenos, satan's tears ketchup (Called the tear jerker) and a butterfinger milkshake
Dinner - Steak and chicken wings

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