Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday, week 4

Went to the 9am crossfit in the new gym today. There were about 20 people there, and a lot of fun running around in the big gym. I used my weightlifting shoes for the first time. split jerks, I got up to 60kg x3, and I maybe coulda done some more. The shoes definitely helped.
After the workout, I did a farmer's walk with 32kg (red) kettlebells with Erica, Dora and Sherry. Up to Leary from the new building and back. Then finished with some attempts at false grip pullups and a guy I hadn't met (Steve) came and suggested that I do some close grip chinups (knuckles facing me, rather than away) and work to pull all the way up to my sternum. Much harder, so used a big blue band and a purple band. I can see a lot of work ahead to get to a muscle up.

When I got home, I had
Breakfast: leftover steak (4oz) and about 0.6 cups of white sweet potatoes, cooked in the microwave. This is my first time eating sweet potatoes, so I hope that they don't ruin the diet. Scott and Nat recommended it, so it probably can't be too awful.
Lunch: Had the last two oz of the leftover steak, a piece of leftover adobo chicken, spinach and red pepper salad (with raspberry vinaigrette and feta cheese), and about 1/4 cup of lentils. I also ate up the leftover red pepper which didn't go in the salad. Not sure how close I got to four blocks, but probably not too far off.

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