Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Monday, week 1!

Today is the first weekday of week 1! I got down to the gym for some 5-3-1 back squat action, my first week. 5 sets of 5 back squats, finishing up with a set of 11 at 77kg (85% of 90% of 100). After that, I had my personal training with Dave W, which we spent rolling out my biceps, and then some straight arm shoulder/bicep loosening exercises.

For breakfast, I had a two block (1 cup blueberries, 6 almonds and 2oz of summer sausage) breakfast.
I supplemented that with an Atkins bar (not sure how many blocks that is,  but it's pretty low carb and 240 calories of protein and fat). Once I got to work I chomped on almonds throughout the day.  I buy organic almonds by the pound at Whole Foods, and I think it is a little too convenient, as I eat them all day. 
For lunch, I had a steak salad, nothing very interesting. A chunk of steak, medium rare, sliced pretty thin on a bed of spinach with a little vinaigrette. 

For "After school snack," I had another cup of blueberries, 2 oz or so of salami/summer sausage, and 7 almonds. 

For dinner, I had four almonds (I have already had more than enough today), and egg salad on a lettuce leaf. I am going to try to skip the blueberries, as I want to frontload the carbs to earlier in the day.

Oh -- and for dessert, or just to not make me feel hungry...I had another Atkins bar. Gonna try to finish all the ones I have here at home and see if I can replace them with something a little more paleo friendly!

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